Reports were flowing yesterday morning that Pittsburgh Steeler's QB Ben Roethlisberger has become "Obsessed" with his workouts and diet. Now, as a life-long Steelers fan it is my job to translate exactly what these reports mean. Is it Hot Ben Summer?
Big Ben has never been known for his work-ethic. He has often said that he barely throws any footballs during the offseason and his work outs mostly consist of slight jogs, crashing motorcycles, and shopping for walking boots. (I love you 7, it's not personal) However, its time for change. Reports are saying he is being more strict with his workouts and his diet than Tom Brady. Thats right, TB12 himself - the guy that kisses his kids with tongue and deflates footballs. Pretty big news.
Throughout his career Big Ben has always been an above average, even top 10 or 5 quarterback in the league. He's been to 3 super-bowls, won 2, had multiple 5,000 yard passing seasons. He's done all this without working out?? Without throwing footballs in the offseason??
The NFL should be scared of a jacked and conditioned Ben Roethlisberger. Running around throwing absolute lasers. After this season the athleticism of guys like Patrick Mahomes and Josh Allen will be an after thought. Big Ben for MVP. But probably not. I got a little carried away writing this.
P.S. - #stairwaytoseven